Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thoughts and Comments on the 40 Day Journey

post comments on the 40 day journey here


  1. So...comments prior to today are found in January Archive under the Pursuit of happiness 5.

  2. Pastor Rob said...
    I read the comment from the 40 day Journey "..everything we have truly belongs to Him. When we give to God, we are just taking our hands off what already belongs to Him." I thought about why I get so fussy about "my stuff". And, if I lose something, I get even "fussier". But if it all belongs to God, then really, maybe, it was just re-allocated...like moved from one place to another and he still owns it. I am just no longer stewarding it. Hmmm. I realize that in some way, God entrusts what he has to be stewarded by faithful people. Those who are faithful, he entrusts more. Where am I going with this? Well...tell you in 40 days.

  3. February 7, 2011 1:40 PM
    Pastor Rob said...
    Day Two: "Give to God what's right-not what's left."

    When I was a youth pastor many decades ago...hm hm hm...people would drop off their used couches. Couches with holes in it, tears, mice, etc. They upgraded and needed to get rid of their old couch. First, the youth group needed couches. And, we didn't have money to buy them. So, we were blessed and I was grateful. But I could not help but think at times I wish I could have nicer couches for the kids to sit in...couches without springs poking them or mice droppings. I think of those couches when I consider what it means to give God what's left. To me giving God what is left means giving him what we think we don't need.

    February 7, 2011 1:48 PM
    Pastor Rob said...
    Day Three: "People go through 3 conversions: The conversion of their head, their heart, and their pocketbook. Unfortunatelyl, not all at the same time."

    The question posed in the Journey was: "Have I gone through all three conversions yet?" For me, yes. But it was a process God took me through teaching me to trust and challenging me. Still, God calls me to trust in this current economy and as we see our household income decrease yet our monthly bills increase.

  4. Day 10 - train your children to be generous givers.
    We plan on talking to our kids tonight about tithing off their allowance and their income from babysitting, etc.

  5. Day 11 - Focus on Being content with God's provisions.

    We read the article "Count Your Blessings" and thought it was a great idea. We have started a Count Your Blessings journal and already have identified over $200 worth of blessings God has given in the last week in things we would have had to pay for or in unexpected things that came our way.

    As to contentment...I agree that Paul has discovered what it meant to be content whatever the circumstances. Lets just say I am not Paul.

  6. Day 12 - You cannot serve God and Money but you must learn to serve God with your money.

    Luke 16:11 says if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust to you true riches? As I read that verse, I am certain that I have missed out on true riches because of my inability to handle worldly wealth. I don't want to miss out on true riches so my commitment is to really learn how to be a faithful steward of God's financial provision so that I can be trusted with the true riches.

  7. Day 13 - There are dangerous consequences if you live for pleasure.

    Ecclesiastes 2:10-11 says: "I denied myself nothing my eyes desired...yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless"

    I don't want to get to the end of my life and have the same revelation Solomon did.

  8. day 14 - Don't live for this life but for your heavenly home.

    Its a fact that we have a heavenly home awaiting us. its also a fact that God has promised reward for how we lived this life - see 2 cor 5:10. Its also a fact that whatever wealth I obtain in this life will either be taxed away or become someone else's inheritance or just be lost when I go to my heavenly home. But, all that is being stored in heaven will not be corrupted, lost, stolen or even taxed. yeah. I used to feel guilty about receiving a reward for doing good but when I realize its God's nature to be generous, there is no need to feel guilty.

  9. Day 15 - the desire for more can be a destructive force to your life and faith

    Hebrews 13:5 reads "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have because God has said 'never will I leave you; never will I forsake you'". I might defer to the great wisdom of Archie here: "Because God said it."

    I have not personally seen how the pursuit of wealth can corrupt me...I have never been wealthy by American standards...but I can see what a lack of contentment has caused me: anger, worry, frustration, aggrivation. Oh God, I thank you for all you have provided and that you never leave me...even in my times of lack or want. Help me to live content with your daily provision. Amen.

  10. Day 16 - I liked the 10 Biblical reasons for giving 10% or more article. I do believe that giving a tithe helps me have more reverence for God and does encourage my trust in Him. Tithing helps me remember God is the owner of everything in my life. I would also say amen to #9! Been there...

    Day 17 - I would encourage others to truly seek to be debt free in 3-10 years. Dave Ramsey...

    Day 18 - Give in proporioin to how God has blessed you materially. 1 Cor 16:2 says that "you should put aside something from what you have earned dring the week and use it for this offering. The amount depend on how much the Lord has helped you earn." I like this principle..I like it because it gives me a weekly reminder of God's provision. Up until now I had been writing a tithe check monthly but I think I will give from whatever I get that week. I also read the quote at the end of the day that I should give according to your income lest God makes my income according to my giving....Don't know if its biblical but that comment sure motivated me to be more faithful in tithing...not in a legalistic sense...but in a faithful steward sense.

  11. day 19 - Women play a significatn part in giving to God's work

    Day 20 - Beware of greed, hoarding or selfishness in your life.

    I liked the quote "there are no u hauls behind a hearse". 2 cor 9:6 - whoever sows sparingly reaps sparingly.

    Day 22 - Give careful thought to your financial practices and never neglect God's house and servants.

    The quote: If everyone in your church followed your pattern of giving, would your church receive a token, a tip, or a tithe? My commitment is to tithe and to give out of the "blessings fund" as God blesses us.

    I was amazed by the story of the Millionaire giver. Luke 16:10-11...he that is faithful in the least will be faithful in that which is much.

  12. Day 22 God has a high regard for a Christian in humble financial circumstances.

    Day 23 God has good works for you to do during your lifetime.

    I read Ephesians 2:10 and know that God has prepared in advance good works for me to do. So, from the first good work until now, I am sure that I have missed opportunities because of selfishness, small planning, etc. I wonder what my "batting average" would be...my percentage of opportunities presented that I was faithful. I am glad I still have time to improve that percentage.

    1 Timothy 6:18 says tell the rich to use their money to do good and be rich in good works. Ok...you rich people, use your money to do good and be rich in good works.

  13. God's creative Provision
    Great article. the earth is the Lord's and everything in it - Ps 24:1. As the author wrote, many people think their needs are met through their paycheck. Surely God is so much bigger than a paycheck. God provides in many ways beyond a paycheck.

  14. Day 24 - Some people are called to extravagant giving.

    The woman who worshipped Jesus sacrificed perfume valued at a year's worth of wages. In Linn County here, the median income for a family is about $30,000. I wonder how many people would be willing to worship Jesus so extravagantly.

  15. I have thought about my most financially valuable item...Aside from my house, I really don't own anything of extravagant value...just the normal household stuff. I do have a painting that would be an extravagant gift for the work of God's kingdom.

    Day 25 - God can do great things through one person or group that is devoted to Him.

    I love the story of David and Goliath...especially when David shouts to Goliath: "You come at me with sword and spear and javelin but I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty whom you have defied....it is His battle, not ours."

    Day 26 - God blesses you financially so you can be a blessing to others

    America gives more money than any other country in foreign aid. I believe God has blessed us to be a blessing. I pray for God to bless our church so we can be a blessing to our community. I pray for God to bless me so that I can be a blessing to others.

  16. Day 27 - It is appropriate to ask people how you can help them.

    I find that when I ask people if I can help, people say thanks but I'm fine. I used to answer that way until someone told me that when I do, I rob people of a chance to serve God and be a blessing to me. People might not be able to change my circumstances but bringing me a meal or mowing my lawn or helping me fix my car not only bless me but it afford the one giving the opportunity to hear from their creator: "Well done good and faithful servant". So, when people ask how they can help, I try to give them something tangible they can do.

    Day 28 - God will reward you for your faithful generosity an diligent labors.

    This is a scriptural truth that I feel we are sometimes uncomfortable with. I think the televangelists who have perverted this principle are responsible. God will reward for the good has been done - see 2 Cor 5:10

  17. Day 29 - The give and the front line worker are equal partners in God's work

    I don't know about equal partnership, but I see that it is scriptural that each will be rewarded according to his own labor.

    Day 30 - Your giving will be a great help and encouragement to others.

    I was moved by the quotes at the end of the lesson: "there is no advantage in being the richest person in the cemetery" and "what I gave, I still have and what I kept I lost". Amen. I want to learn how to be a good steward not wasting my resources on stuff hat will perish or that I will lose when I die so that I can "invest" it in what I will be able to keep in eternity. God , help me.

    Day 31 - Your pursuit of God and a generous life will give you a fuller and richer life

    Matthew 6:33 is what I have to put my faith in...in the promise tha God will provide all I need day to day if I live for him. Years ago I gave up a potentially lucrative career in Southern California to come to Oregon to be a youth pastor...now a pastor. I gave up what seemed a financially secure career for living nearly day to day. I have yet to be hungry and yet to be without clothes and yet to be without shelter. God does provide. While its an adventure seeing God's provision day to day, I will surely affirm I would rather see what God provides each day than to live trusting in the false security a salary can provide.

  18. Day 32 - Realize that God will bring specific people into your life that you can truly help.

    I have a very special friend in Vancouver WA. I am sad right now thinking I haven't talked to him in a couple of years. But, As I read today's thoughts on the 40 Day Journey, I remembered his act of kindess to me in a very dark time. I had no money to pay my mortgage and no means to make the money. Out of the blue he calls me and tells me the Lord put on his heart to give me $1000...just enough to cover my mortgage payment. At that time I was a specific person that he truly helped.

  19. Day 33 - any wealth gained by the wrong means has serious consequences

    God is not mocked. A man reaps what he sows...

  20. Day 34- Realize God can use anyone and any resources to provide for His work.

    So what does God look for in someone he can use? 2 Tim 2:20-21 - someone who is clean and ready for His use. DL Moody's quote: "The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to Him" is true in one sense that no one has every FULLY consecrated themselves but we can glimpse what God can do in the life of Paul. And Daniel. These people were empire changers.

  21. One example of God using anybody and anything is found in John 6. Jesus said to feed the people and the disciples replied all we have is a young boy here with 5 loaves and 2 fish. Anybody: a young boy. Anything: his 5 loaves and two fish. I like the math here: 5 loaves + 2 fish + Jesus = enough food to feed 5000 with a remainder of 12 baskets.

  22. Day 35-40
    Well, back from my DC trip and I will post my comments for the remaining 6 days of our 40 Day Journey:

    Day 35 - Your giving in this life will have an impact on your experiences in eternity. Jesus taught this - esp when he said to store up treasures in heaven where moth or rust do not corrupt.

    Day 36 - When you help the poor and needy, don't do it for recognition. Jesus taught when our motive is to be seen by men, then that is our reward....to be seen by men.

    Day 37 - Even our smallest acts of kindness will be remembered and rewarded. Do we think anything is too small for God to notice or that he can't keep track of it? I believe every act of obedience and every act of generousity no matter how small will be noticed and rewarded.

    Day 38 - A main focus of giving should be your local church. Truely no church has ever had a money problem, only a faithfulness problem.

    Day 39 - Building projects are worthy of your support.

    Day 40 - God will show you other opportunities worthy of your support.

  23. Concluding thoughts
    While in DC, I was buying some food and the guy behind me spoke up and paid for my food...telling me no thanks necessary and to pay it forward. that act of kindness has stayed with me. I wonder what his motive was. I wonder if he was just impatient in line behind me or if He did it our of love for God. Either way, I was touched by his generousity. I believe that when we are generous, we reflect God's character. And, God who calls us to be witnesses to this world of His character likes it when we are generous rewarding those behaviors - partly because its His nature to give and partly because God will not be a debtor to any man.

    I believe lack of generousity in one's life is an indication of a lack of understanding about God's character and his desire for our character.

    It is my hope that we can continue to pursue being more like God in generousity.
